Thursday, February 27, 2014

The life of a wolf (this is not a book, this tells the life of a real wolf)

Hello all,

Since you are reading my blog i might as well educate you on the animals from which this blog is inspired... You guessed it! Wolves.

Wolves are given a pretty bad reputation in many ways such as fairytales such "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Three Little Pigs" in which the "bad guy" is the wolf, clever and tricky hoping for dinner. Honestly i think they should've used the fox for those fairytales. Anyway, Wolves are canines along with dogs, coyotes, foxes, as some of the more known canids. They live together in families called packs. Pack leaders, the dominant male and female are the parents of the pack and the pack is their offspring. Wolves packs used to be thought to have ranks such as "Alpha" "Omega" made up of many different stranger wolves all fighting for dominance.  That was observed,  however of wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild are completely different. When they are two/three years old they (may) leave the pack to start their own, these wolves are called Dispersals, looking for wolves of the opposite gender, and appropriate age. This usually takes place in winter/fall and by springtime the wolves had dug themselves a den (which they probably will use for many times) and the female has pups. When the pups grow to large for the den (which is very, very, tiny) they leave the den and don't use it until the mother has pups again (contrary to the fact that wolves sleep in dens like houses). The pups at the age of two months leave the den to a proper "summer home" (also called rendezvous site) A good summer home is protected, hidden and relatively large. There they are taught how to hunt and start watching their elders hunt. Then they try for themselves, usually by winter again. In winter the wolves go from place to place, finally free without any pups. Hunting, sleeping, drinking. Together as a family. By spring they return to the den and the female has pups and last years pups help with the care and feeding (when wolf pups wean they eat barf -ahem- regurgitated meat until they get to the summer home). When those pups are full grown and its winter again the pups from two years before leave to make a family and the circle of life continues. Any questions, class? Probably not. And by the way, wolves DO eat cattle when they find some because hunting large game, (the game that lasts) takes a very, long time and half the time fails so cattle are super easy. Post done. Hope you learned something!

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