Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sorry for not posting sooner (RTC Chapters 6-7)

Hey Dusk Here, sorry i didn't post sooner. I'm here with a few chapters to make up for not posting. I hope you guys had a good year and happy late valentines.

Chapter 6

Morning at the summer home was peaceful. The golden sun shone and Fala got a look at the summer home. She couldn't make out the summer home the last night when she saw Lennon and Sky. The summer home was shielded by pine trees like tall, green, sentinels. Fala felt comforted by those trees. for additional protection for bushes and a few green leafy vines with white flowers on them that Fala liked the smell of. Fala had listened and observed the adults and learned more then her siblings. She learned that wrestling and play was important for teaching a bit of real life. Fala chose to play with her siblings. She was ten weeks old and more mature then pups her age. When Halanor, Leaf, and Aleaha played their games Fala shyly came up. ''C-can i play with you?'' She whispered quietly. 
''Can i play with you?'' Fala said louder. The pups stopped playing and looked at her. Halanor snarled. ''Back off!'' 
''Tiny furball'' Said Aleah. Fala noticed she had a hard time saying this and when she did say it she sounded almost nice. Leaf remained silent. Lina and Hazel came up. 
''Big, fat, bully.'' Said Leaf to Halanor. Leaf now had her courage because she knew Halanor wouldn't harm her in front of the adults. Fala gave a relieved look to Leaf. Leaf and Aleah started to play with Fala. Halanor humphed and padded off his tail straight in the air. ''I'll get you Fala!'' Said Halanor. Fala was to happy to be scared now that her siblings cared.

Chapter 7

Fala enjoyed the next four weeks immensely. She grew slightly larger. But no matter how kind every wolf was to her Fala still noticed her mother hardly talking to her and looking on her with sadness. Her father didn't spend much time with the wolf pups but Fala still noticed he was displeased with her. The wolf pups learned how to stalk prey. Fala took the longest to learn she kept tripping. Halanor and Leaf managed to catch a mouse each two days after the stalk was shown to them. Even Aleah though not much older then Fala caught a fair share of mice. Fala knew she shouldn't be jealous but she was. She hated how Halanor walked around with his tail high all proud. Fala even tried to tear Leafs ear it was not playfully. All the wolves avoided Fala for the rest of the day and a bit of the morning. Fala ran to Leaf that day. 
''I'm sorry Leaf for trying to hurt you.'' Fala said.
Leaf raised her tail and stuck her snouth in the air.
''Your teeth feel like feathers. They hurt a lot.'' Leaf grinned. Fala felt relieved and silly. Leaf had a sense of humor and she was forgiving. Fala wondered why she thought Leaf would stay angry. 
''You do need to hunt something though. Why don't you show Halanor that you are no runt!'' Fala agreed to the dare. She raced into the bushes. She slowly creeped up to a mouse then she lunged. The mouse scurried away and Fala chased hot on the scent surprising herself with her own speed. She suddenly rammed into a large grey furry thing. The mouse scurried under it and got away. Meanwhile Fala found herself looking at a huge she-wolf. As 
Fala regained her sensed she studied the female as fast as she could. The female was actually not as large as she first seemed. The females build was more tall and thin then with muscle. Fala had never seen a wolf like her. Her fur was a faint grey growing darker around the shoulders and tail until it was almost black. Her fur was also as long as the female was tall and thin. Fala thought the female beautiful. She looked up into the face of the female quivering slightly with fear. Her eyes were amazing. A faded amber with silver that looked slightly white. Fala found herself staring into those distracting eyes longer then she should. She look down and forced herself to think. 
''Hello.''' Fala said fear in her voice. 
'''Greetings pup.'' The female said her voice had a slight welsh accent. 
''Uh... Get out of my territory!'' Fala didn't know what else to say. The female smiled clearly amused.
''No, this is my territory.'' The female said. 
''Err ok then.'' Fala said feeling slightly awkward.
''My names Trance. What is yours?'' Said the female. The pup didn't know what to do. She wanted to tell Trance her name and leave her alone. But then she thought about Trance's name, what it meant. 'It could be' she though and she sniffed around. There! she smelled her fathers marker. 'I was right, she was wrong.' Fala felt pleased. ''It my fathers territory so, i'm going to do this.'' Fala howled that there was a intruder. Her mother and father came before Trance could do anything. 
''Who are you!'' Halan-Falas father-growled. Trance lowered her body slightly. 
''I am a stranger to this parts. I am a good hunter though. Can i join your pack?'' Trance said her voice calm. Fala was annoyed. 'There she goes! She always get her way' Fala thought. Suddenly something struck her. 'I could learn how to do the same thing.' Fala began observing everything about the female. Her tone, her words, her expression. Falas father nodded slowly.
''You may.''
Fala walked with Trance and her father to the pack. 
''I never got your name.'' Trance whispered to Fala. 
''Fala, and next time don't waste your words on me. You are way to hypnotizing.'' Fala said. 
''I sometimes need to be, Fala.'' Said Trance. 

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