Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Return to California Chapter 1-3

So here is my three chapters of my current book
Return to California". I also have written a book named "Dusk's legacy begins" and i am writing "Strength and Weakness" the sequel to the book.

Return to California Chapters 1-3:

Chapter 1

Aleah was a respectable wolf. She had a pack that was strong. Aleah herself was a huge, tough, wolf. Aleah was a good, kind loving mother as well. But one spring night she gave birth to yet another litter. In a warm den with the smell of earth the mother felt piercing pain. The sleek grey wolf immediately knew she was having her fourth litter. Soon there was a wet, tiny bundle was lying next to her. Aleah licked it reviving it. Its fur was to dark to make out. It whimpered and Aleah saw the eldest of the litter was large-for a newborn but that is-and strong. Another wet bundle. Aleah licked the second eldest pup and as warmth filled its body it revived it was strong to. Another strong, large pup. And then the next pup Aleah revived she discovered to be small and weak. 'That one is not surviving the winter and probably not the spring either.' Aleah though annoyed. That was the first pup she had in her long life that was not strong and big as she and her mate. Her next pup was born dead. 
‘At least this one wasn’t born dead.’ Aleah thought. All three pups found their way to her milk all but that runt. Aleah at first didn't care but her motherly instinct took over. She used her grey bushy tail to sweep the pup to her belly. It immediately started nursing next to its siblings and Aleah grunted with pleasure and let herself finally rest. Many still moments in that warm den later the sucking noise ceased and the full pups began sleeping for the very first time. 

Chapter 2

Aleahs pup grew stronger. Their eyes and ears opened and they walked around their den for a short time. One day the pups were walking about the tiny den. Aleah observed them. Then she got up and stretched. The den was small for her and and she knocked a few pups over. Then she padded out of the den and shook vigorously clumps of dirt flew of her fur. She howled and wagged her tail when she heard a response. A few moments later a big brawny male wolf padded out of the trees into the clearing around the den. He licked his mate ear. 
‘’Aleah! Are the pups old enough to live out of the den?’’ Aleah nudged him with her nose.
‘’It has to be another week, Halan’’ Aleah’s mate, Halen nodded. Eight strong wolves walked into the clearing. Their low tails wagged respectfully. Suddenly a whimper was heard from the den. The pups discovered their mother had left the den. 
‘’Pups! Come out.’’ Aleah called. The pack had to wait as the pups found the way outside. Suddenly a dark grey pup tumbled out of the hole leading to the den. His dark blue eyes blinked and he looked at this new bright world with surprise and wonder. The other two pups tumbled out of the den and experienced the same wonder as their older brother. Long after the pups eyes had adjusted a muffled whimper came from the den. Aleah heard it and Halan looked at her questioningly. A tiny dark ginger pup came out of the den. 
‘’ Another pup?’’ Asked Halan. 
‘’The runt.’’ Said Aleah. Halan nodded. 
The little pup eyes slowly adjusted and it walked up to its mother and father. It nuzzled 
its mother. 
‘’So, what have you named the pups’’ Aleah called the older three pups over. She pointed her muzzle at the oldest. 
‘’Halanor’’ Aleah said.
‘’After you’’ Halan nodded pleased.
Aleah pointed her muzzle at the second oldest. ‘’Leaf’’ 
She pointed her muzzle at the second youngest. A black female. 
‘’Aleaha, after me’’ And finally she pointed her muzzle at the youngest.
‘’Fala’’ Halan nodded. Tired of their play the pups padded back into the den.
Aleah pointed her muzzle at the retreating shape of Fala padding into the den slowly. She then looked at Halan knowingly and they both nodded. They silently agreed that Fala would not make it.

Chapter 3

Fala was watching her parents. The cream pup preferred just to watch the other wolves. She had learned a lot from watching the yearlings play, the adults rest, and she sometimes followed the adults a little ways to watch them hunt. She used her newfound knowledge to hide from her siblings. Her mother had recently returned from the hunt. Hazel a yearling with a brown coat had approached Falas littermates. Hazel smelled of something good. Fala had a feeling it was meat. She smelled it on her mother and father after they ate a deer or mouse. Her littermates began licking Hazels mouth trying to find the meat. Hazel retched and let out warm, sticky, chewed meat for the pups. Fala found herself drooling. She quickly closed her mouth waiting till her siblings had eaten. Halanor had eaten a lot of meat and he went running off on some scent. Fala took this chance to have some of the sticky meat to. She lapped up some and savored the delicious taste in her mouth. She lapped up some more, then some more. Suddenly she heard a low growling. Halanor had returned. Fala tucked her white tail in between her legs and ran. Halanor was to lazy to pursue her and she sighed with relief safe in a thick clump of juniper. She lied still observing Halanor growl at Leaf. But Falas eldest sister was not daunted. She returned the playful growl and the two happily tussled in the dust. Fala could tell both were happy. Fala sighed. She was an outcast among her siblings.

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