Tuesday, March 25, 2014

RTC Chapter 8 and 9

Hello all,

Anyway, so sorry for not posting sooner. If you happen to chance on the blog, i ask you comment because i don't think anyway reads this but... i post anyway. So, here are my chapters

Chapter 8

Fala watched a hummingbird zip from flower to flower. 
'Of all the flowers in Slough Creek why did the Zipbird choose those flowers that i always play in,' She whispered to herself. A shadow fell over her. Fala looked up to see the looming figure of Trance. Fala was scared of Trance. Trance seemed unpredictable. Fala couldn't help but dislike Trance.
''Why do you watch hummingbirds when you could be learning little Fala.'' Fala felt annoyed.
''I don't know... I'm different I guess. I'm just a runt. Halanor said that runts are not right in the head.'' Trance bowled Fala over with a sweep of her paw and observed Fala
''I don't care what Halanor says.'' She said finally. Fala shrugged and didn't get back up. 
''Why do you let all the other wolves walk all over you. Even your sister, Whats her name? Leaf right? Has stopped feeling sorry for you. If your survival only depends on other wolves compassion then you will never make it. If you do manage to survive your winter the wolves wouldn't think twice of making you leave the pack. Other packs wouldn't let you in and you would be to weak to start a pack. Do you want to live like this Fala?'' Fala sighed feeling sorry for herself. Trances light welsh accent was beginning to annoy her.
''My pack has no compassion. They are just a bunch of hard hearted wolves.'' Trance grunted. 
''Your family isn't hard hearted. They just know that a weak wolf weakens the pack. I know it breaks your mothers heart when she looks at you. Its hard on your parents but they do it for the good of the pack. Its not your parents Fala. Its you.'' Fala desperately wanted to shred Trance apart. 
''You need to be stronger. Don't depend on others. You are smart. That is a advantage. But your short temper will never serve you. It will only make things worse for you. Also, you are pretty good with the tongue. Your tongue can kill you or save your life. Learn how to use your words.'' Fala snapped at Trance. She felt angry, how dare she try to tell her how to survive! But then Fala thought about Trance's words. 
''Thank you.'' Fala said trying to keep her temper under control.
''Don't thank me.'' Trance said and padded away. Fala watched Trance walk away and wondered about Trance's past. No matter what, she could never picture Trance as a pup, blue eyes were hard enough.

Chapter 9

Fala was concentrating on following the scent of a bird, Her cream-colored body moving slowly her black nose taking in every drop of scent. She was in a grove of pine trees her paws making a soft pit-pat on the moss. Her tail wagging gently side to side. Suddenly a brown mouse scurried past Fala. She immediately lunged at it purely from reflex. Her teeth hit its mark and the mouse quickly perished. She sat staring at her first kill blinking at it. She nipped her paw to see if she was dreaming. It stung and Fala winced. The truth dawned on her. 'I-i killed my first mouse'' She let out a short howl of triumph. She picked it up and ran back to her pack to show them. She showed Leaf who congratulated her, She showed Hazel who said, 
''Great job Fala!" But Hazel seemed slightly amused at her excitement for such a small achievement from her perspective. Fala tail drooped. She surprised herself by telling Trance. Trance nodded at Fala. 
''Its a good start.'' Said Trance. And to Fala's surprise Trance give her a quick lick on the head. Fala in return nuzzled Trance then slightly embarrassed she dipped her head. Then she ran back to Leaf. 
''What do you think about Trance?'' Asked Fala.
''Trance is err strange. I think she is crazy.'' Leaf wrinkled her nose. 
''Trance is not crazy. She just likes to keep to herself.'' Fala said indignantly. 
''Thank you for defending me, young Fala." Fala heard the familiar welsh accent. She turned and saw the familiar silver-amber eyes, the black shoulders, and light grey chest of Trance.
'Thats what friends do.'' Fala shrugged good-naturedly. Trance smiled slightly.

''I'm disappointed that your sister thinks so lowly of me.'' Leaf looked at her paws, Fala didn't have to see her face to see that she was burning with embarrassment. Fala nudged Leaf and prompted her in the ear to apologize to Trance. Then she left the two females and went into the woods. She realized that the mouse was at her paws or in her mouth the whole time. She dropped it and smiled to herself as she at she ate her mouse.  A revolting scent drifted through Falas nose and she looked up to see  two snarling coyotes looming in front of her.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

New background

I know, the forest background was so lovely and its sad to say farewell but can't you read the text a whole lot better? And i still love the background so get used to it (-ahem- no offense), besides the dandelions are terrific!

The life of a wolf (this is not a book, this tells the life of a real wolf)

Hello all,

Since you are reading my blog i might as well educate you on the animals from which this blog is inspired... You guessed it! Wolves.

Wolves are given a pretty bad reputation in many ways such as fairytales such "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Three Little Pigs" in which the "bad guy" is the wolf, clever and tricky hoping for dinner. Honestly i think they should've used the fox for those fairytales. Anyway, Wolves are canines along with dogs, coyotes, foxes, as some of the more known canids. They live together in families called packs. Pack leaders, the dominant male and female are the parents of the pack and the pack is their offspring. Wolves packs used to be thought to have ranks such as "Alpha" "Omega" made up of many different stranger wolves all fighting for dominance.  That was observed,  however of wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild are completely different. When they are two/three years old they (may) leave the pack to start their own, these wolves are called Dispersals, looking for wolves of the opposite gender, and appropriate age. This usually takes place in winter/fall and by springtime the wolves had dug themselves a den (which they probably will use for many times) and the female has pups. When the pups grow to large for the den (which is very, very, tiny) they leave the den and don't use it until the mother has pups again (contrary to the fact that wolves sleep in dens like houses). The pups at the age of two months leave the den to a proper "summer home" (also called rendezvous site) A good summer home is protected, hidden and relatively large. There they are taught how to hunt and start watching their elders hunt. Then they try for themselves, usually by winter again. In winter the wolves go from place to place, finally free without any pups. Hunting, sleeping, drinking. Together as a family. By spring they return to the den and the female has pups and last years pups help with the care and feeding (when wolf pups wean they eat barf -ahem- regurgitated meat until they get to the summer home). When those pups are full grown and its winter again the pups from two years before leave to make a family and the circle of life continues. Any questions, class? Probably not. And by the way, wolves DO eat cattle when they find some because hunting large game, (the game that lasts) takes a very, long time and half the time fails so cattle are super easy. Post done. Hope you learned something!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sorry for not posting sooner (RTC Chapters 6-7)

Hey Dusk Here, sorry i didn't post sooner. I'm here with a few chapters to make up for not posting. I hope you guys had a good year and happy late valentines.

Chapter 6

Morning at the summer home was peaceful. The golden sun shone and Fala got a look at the summer home. She couldn't make out the summer home the last night when she saw Lennon and Sky. The summer home was shielded by pine trees like tall, green, sentinels. Fala felt comforted by those trees. for additional protection for bushes and a few green leafy vines with white flowers on them that Fala liked the smell of. Fala had listened and observed the adults and learned more then her siblings. She learned that wrestling and play was important for teaching a bit of real life. Fala chose to play with her siblings. She was ten weeks old and more mature then pups her age. When Halanor, Leaf, and Aleaha played their games Fala shyly came up. ''C-can i play with you?'' She whispered quietly. 
''Can i play with you?'' Fala said louder. The pups stopped playing and looked at her. Halanor snarled. ''Back off!'' 
''Tiny furball'' Said Aleah. Fala noticed she had a hard time saying this and when she did say it she sounded almost nice. Leaf remained silent. Lina and Hazel came up. 
''Big, fat, bully.'' Said Leaf to Halanor. Leaf now had her courage because she knew Halanor wouldn't harm her in front of the adults. Fala gave a relieved look to Leaf. Leaf and Aleah started to play with Fala. Halanor humphed and padded off his tail straight in the air. ''I'll get you Fala!'' Said Halanor. Fala was to happy to be scared now that her siblings cared.

Chapter 7

Fala enjoyed the next four weeks immensely. She grew slightly larger. But no matter how kind every wolf was to her Fala still noticed her mother hardly talking to her and looking on her with sadness. Her father didn't spend much time with the wolf pups but Fala still noticed he was displeased with her. The wolf pups learned how to stalk prey. Fala took the longest to learn she kept tripping. Halanor and Leaf managed to catch a mouse each two days after the stalk was shown to them. Even Aleah though not much older then Fala caught a fair share of mice. Fala knew she shouldn't be jealous but she was. She hated how Halanor walked around with his tail high all proud. Fala even tried to tear Leafs ear it was not playfully. All the wolves avoided Fala for the rest of the day and a bit of the morning. Fala ran to Leaf that day. 
''I'm sorry Leaf for trying to hurt you.'' Fala said.
Leaf raised her tail and stuck her snouth in the air.
''Your teeth feel like feathers. They hurt a lot.'' Leaf grinned. Fala felt relieved and silly. Leaf had a sense of humor and she was forgiving. Fala wondered why she thought Leaf would stay angry. 
''You do need to hunt something though. Why don't you show Halanor that you are no runt!'' Fala agreed to the dare. She raced into the bushes. She slowly creeped up to a mouse then she lunged. The mouse scurried away and Fala chased hot on the scent surprising herself with her own speed. She suddenly rammed into a large grey furry thing. The mouse scurried under it and got away. Meanwhile Fala found herself looking at a huge she-wolf. As 
Fala regained her sensed she studied the female as fast as she could. The female was actually not as large as she first seemed. The females build was more tall and thin then with muscle. Fala had never seen a wolf like her. Her fur was a faint grey growing darker around the shoulders and tail until it was almost black. Her fur was also as long as the female was tall and thin. Fala thought the female beautiful. She looked up into the face of the female quivering slightly with fear. Her eyes were amazing. A faded amber with silver that looked slightly white. Fala found herself staring into those distracting eyes longer then she should. She look down and forced herself to think. 
''Hello.''' Fala said fear in her voice. 
'''Greetings pup.'' The female said her voice had a slight welsh accent. 
''Uh... Get out of my territory!'' Fala didn't know what else to say. The female smiled clearly amused.
''No, this is my territory.'' The female said. 
''Err ok then.'' Fala said feeling slightly awkward.
''My names Trance. What is yours?'' Said the female. The pup didn't know what to do. She wanted to tell Trance her name and leave her alone. But then she thought about Trance's name, what it meant. 'It could be' she though and she sniffed around. There! she smelled her fathers marker. 'I was right, she was wrong.' Fala felt pleased. ''It my fathers territory so, i'm going to do this.'' Fala howled that there was a intruder. Her mother and father came before Trance could do anything. 
''Who are you!'' Halan-Falas father-growled. Trance lowered her body slightly. 
''I am a stranger to this parts. I am a good hunter though. Can i join your pack?'' Trance said her voice calm. Fala was annoyed. 'There she goes! She always get her way' Fala thought. Suddenly something struck her. 'I could learn how to do the same thing.' Fala began observing everything about the female. Her tone, her words, her expression. Falas father nodded slowly.
''You may.''
Fala walked with Trance and her father to the pack. 
''I never got your name.'' Trance whispered to Fala. 
''Fala, and next time don't waste your words on me. You are way to hypnotizing.'' Fala said. 
''I sometimes need to be, Fala.'' Said Trance. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

Animal Jam Review

Dinner Party

Hey Dusk here with a game review of Animal Jam.

Sky High, the most popular game in Aj.
Animal jam is a fun MMO made by National Geographic where you play as a animal. You choose between non-member animals such as a seal, koala, wolf, penguin, bunny, turtle, etc.  It is set in a land called the Land of Jamaa which has many different areas that each have their own area. The games currency is gems which can be received by playing a large amount of games such as Sky High. The main area is Jamaa township which has the arcade, stores, pillow room, club geoz, (Both are hangout rooms but the Pillow room is used for adoption.)
Jamaa Township
The game has dens which can be customized by   furniture bought in stores. Many of the store items are member-only but if you look at every non-member item then there are a lot of items. The game has many player-made aspects such as adoption in the pillow room. (shown at bottom right). Some players say "adopt me, i'm a baby" or "i'm a orphan" or simply "adopt me" while they are in the pillow room. Other players go to the pillow room and say to the wanna-be adopted player "So and so i adopt you" and then they say usually "my den". At the persons den they roleplay a mother/father and a child. Some people make themselves dogs and some people adopt multiple people and make them siblings. Member have huge dens compared to non-member dens and lots of other items so generally the members adopt more and many people say "Adopt me, members only". Also there are clans from Erin Hunters "Warrior Cats" usually in dens or Sarepia Forest. They roleplay hunting and fighting. Animal Jam has new features "every other week" and million of players play it and eventually almost every player becomes a member or has been a member before. Animal Jam is compared to Club Penguin a lot but mostly favored over it because of the nicer community and cheaper membership as well as more players. Animal Jam has a educational side to where players watch movies or click on animals or plants in each area excluding Jamaa Township for a fact of the animal which they put in their "Journey Guide" once when you get every animal fact in a location you receive a gift, usually a den item. Animal Jam also has a unique culture with legends hinted throughout the game with various items. The legends include Alphas, special animals that protect Jamaa and its residents. A lot more bits and pieces of Jamaa lore was in the Beta version that got removed in the later versions. These things had a very special part called Adventures where you fight the games rivals called Phantoms and help the Alphas restore peace to Jamaa as well as receive special prizes and gems.  A group calling themselves the "Jaamaasian Movement" headed by a player named Snowyclaw (Her blog link: http://animaljamspirit.blogspot.com/) wanted Animal Jam to name every single alpha and to have the beta parts of the AJ lore once more. They succeeded and even more Jamaa lore is throughout the game then beta including Adventures which came being Member-only but a few adventures are for non-members. Below are some pictures of Animal Jam and you can decide to play it or not.
Sarepia Forest
Animal Jam Lost Temple Of Zios (filled with statues of Jamaa Lore)
Mt Shiveer, my personal favorite part of Jamaa

More adventures: Plugging Up at Phantom Pipe
Animal Jam play now screen with the Alphas (hinting a bit of lore in the background)
The only non-member den (with member items!)
One of the many Member-Only dens
One of the AJ movie theaters with Educational Videos, this one is in Sarepia Forest.
Adventures: Discovering a gem-filled chest

Sarepia Forest Journey Guide

Mt Shiveers Hot Cocoa Hut (the floating Cocoa Cups are acheived by the mini-game which gives you a cocoa icon temporarily

One of the Jamaa Underwater areas only accessible by sea animals.
Tip: Non-members can only have two animals so its advised to get a land animal or a sea animal or better yet a land-sea animal like a penguin.

Play Wild Party
Also AJ has special hangouts called parties that each have a theme.
Dinner Party
New Years Party
April Fools Party

 I hope you enjoyed this review of one of my favorite games! Heres is the link to it:


A mothers love:

 A mothers love is a treasure

Her love is beyond measure

Her love takes and never lets go

Even when spirits are low

She is gentle and kind

To her heart she binds

A mothers love lasts forever

From her heart its impossible to sever

Mothers are a precious gift

Everyday her love just lifts

As Loyal As A Wolf:

A pack of wolves going on a hunt

A pack leader running in front

Hours later they go for the kill

Yet they are all together still

As loyal as a wolf to death

As loyal as a wolf to final breath