Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Chapters and Poem

Hello all,

Haven't posted in a while so here is a chapter and a poem.


Because Thats W hat Friends and Packmates Do:

The wind is roaring

The sky is black

but i won't hide, i need to save my pack.

No matter what i won't leave you.

Because thats what friends and packmates do.

The stars may fall,

the sun may go,

but i won't run,

oh no,

for as long as we are not a pair,

i shall never despair,

for i shall never abandon you.

because thats what friends and packmates do.

And my chapters:

Chapter 4

Fala was watching her parents. The cream pup preferred just to watch the other wolves. She had learned a lot from watching the yearlings play, the adults rest, and she sometimes followed the adults a little ways to watch them hunt. She used her newfound knowledge to hide from her siblings. Her mother had recently returned from the hunt. Hazel a yearling with a brown coat had approached Falas littermates. Hazel smelled of something good. Fala had a feeling it was meat. She smelled it on her mother and father after they ate a deer or mouse. Her littermates began licking Hazels mouth trying to find the meat. Hazel retched and let out warm, sticky, chewed meat for the pups. Fala found herself drooling. She quickly closed her mouth waiting till her siblings had eaten. Halanor had eaten a lot of meat and he went running off on some scent. Fala took this chance to have some of the sticky meat to. She lapped up some and savored the delicious taste in her mouth. She lapped up some more, then some more. Suddenly she heard a low growling. Halanor had returned. Fala tucked her white tail in between her legs and ran. Halanor was to lazy to pursue her and she sighed with relief safe in a thick clump of juniper. She lied still observing Halanor growl at Leaf. But Falas eldest sister was not daunted. She returned the playful growl and the two happily tussled in the dust. Fala could tell both were happy. Fala sighed. She was an outcast among her siblings. 
''Runt'' Fala pronounced. ''Weak, helpless runt.'' Those words sounded horrible and Fala shivered. She stuck her head in her pretty golden paws and cried. 

Chapter 5

Fala pricked her ears. Excitement was in the pack. She saw it in every tail, ear, and face. It wasn't until evening before she found out what it was. The pups were moving from the comfortable den to a another place for the summer. Halanor, Leaf and Aleaha were excited. They couldn't stop talking. But Fala dreaded every moment of it. 'What if a bear eats us during the journey?' 'What if i can't do it?' 'What if the new place is scary?' Were among a few of her worries. Hazel padded up to her. Fala was scared. She wanted to run away. She managed to open her mouth and show her teeth and growl. Hazel sighed.
''Relax pup, i'm not going to hurt you.'' Hazel opened her mouth. Fala whimpered at her fangs. Hazel fangs turned into a carefree relaxed smile. Falas fears vanished. 
''Get up pup. Its time to go.'' Hazel said. Fala obeyed. She walked with Hazel to where the rest of the pack was gathered. Halan licked Halanor. Hazel gave Lina-her sister-a playful nudge. Fala walked with Lina and Hazel for a part of the journey. Fala smelled fox, mouse, deer, lizard and hare. She stopped to drink from a stream. Fala's legs ached. She nudged Hazel giving her a pleading look. Hazel picked up Fala. Fala looked around for the first time. She was in a forest green, and lively. Hazel enjoyed it immensely. She fell asleep. Hazel began shaking her. Fala awoke. Hazel put Fala down and Fala walked again. She walked for the rest of the journey. Suddenly she saw several wolves. They looked and smelled unfamiliar. Halan tensed. A large tan male padded up to Falas father. As the huge male came closer Fala saw that his fur was streaked with russet and black. Halan stopped. 
''Lennon.'' he said his voice filled with hate. Lennon looked down on him as a pack leader looks down on a tiny pup offending him though Halan wasn't much smaller. ''Halan what is your pack doing in my territory.'' Halan growled. ''We agreed. This part is mine.'' Lennon looked down on him. ''I changed my mind '' Halan looked angry. ''You can't change your mind Lennon.'' Lennon growled. ''So? I already did. What are you going to do about it?'' Halan was fuming. He charged Lennon. Lennon leaped aside and bit Halans cheek. Aleah obviously knew what to do. She approached the brawling males. She shoved Halan away using her broad shoulder. Lennons gaze was hard.''
''Aleah. You should have been my mate instead of this pile of deer poop.'' Fala noticed that his voice didn't show any emotion. He just wanted a strong mate. He didn't care about here the slightest bit. A russet female padded. 
''To late Lennon.'' 
''Sky'' Aleah said. Fala could tell she was friends with the female. Sky nodded at Aleah. She turned to Lennon. 
''Well, you already are leading a pack with me'' Lennon glared at Sky.
''Shut up!'' Sky shrugged.
''Just stating fact. You did agree by the way so keep your word.'' Lennon looked at Sky icily.
''Who is stopping me?'' Sky wasn't afraid. 
''Me, Aleah, Halan.'' Lennon stormed off muttering to himself. Sky winked at Aleah. 
''Don't worry sis. I'll bring the pack to our real territory. Aleah nodded gratefully.
''Thanks sister.'' Soon the other pack had left the summer home. Fala was tired and she collapsed in the soft moss the moment the pack walked into the clearing. She fell asleep happily.

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